Safer Streets – Seeking residents’ views on anti-social behaviour

A message from John Dwyer, Police Crime Commissioner:

‘I made sure that preventing and tackling ASB is in Cheshire’s Police and Crime Plan because it is one of the main issues raised with me and the police. While some incidents of ASB on their own can be seen as small and ‘low level’, we know all too well that sustained and persistent ASB can make residents feel unsafe, and perpetrators can often go on to commit greater crimes.

The next round of the Safer Streets Fund will focus on ASB and I want to use any additional money we receive to support a police project to tackle it in each of Cheshire’s four Local Authority areas.

To inform these projects I will be using ASB statistics collated by the Constabulary, but it’s also important to get feedback directly from residents about how they perceive ASB in their community and how extra funding could help.

I have set up a short survey which can be taken here: – Residents can have their say up until Midday on Monday 7 August.’ (The close date was extended from 4th August on 1st August)